WARNING: If you are new to this blog, be pre-warned that the writer of this blog (that would be me) is a fan of the Twilight Series. That is all.
I had plans with girlfriends to see the newest Twilight movie, Eclipse, when I got back from Ontario. I was super stoked when it turned out that there was nothing going on the Thursday night we were at my Aunt's, so all us girls went to see it.
Unfortunately, I don't have many good things to say......to keep myself from going on and on and on, I'd have state that while Eclipse was, by far, my favourite book, New Moon would have to be my favourite movie.

I've chatted with my fellow Twilight-loving girlfriends and the consensus seems to be that, they feel the same about the movie being disappointing but liked it better after seeing it a second time.
I liked it, don't get me wrong, but it felt rushed and sort of thrown together. But I know it 's next to impossible to squash all that (awesome) book into a short two hour movie......so with the time they had, I guess they did the best that was possible.
Lemme know, you fellow followers, what were your thoughts on Eclipse??
Haven't seen it yet!
i was disappointed too! but, if you'd like to see it a second time - I'm in!
Funny thing is that I felt EXACTLY the same way about New Moon movie. It felt so rushed, and they missed really key elements. I left the theatre after Eclipse feeling a bit ripped off. Once I saw it a second time, I was able to quit comparing it to the book and just enjoy it for the movie...much easier.
I am very VERY happy to go see it again...if ya like!
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