My week back east was a bit of a blur, but now that we are home and recovered, I'm so glad that Denay and I went.
Denay was such an angel on the plane and I was so grateful to have my parents for an extra couple set of hands and a couple extra laps. We spent the first few nights at my grandparents house and celebrated my grandma's 85th birthday while we were there. My mom had an amazing three tier cake made (in very Dutch form) as a gift.

:: Then it was off to my Aunt's (my mom's sister) house where we got to celebrate my cousins Brittany's grade eight graduation and her brother, James' grade 12 graduation. My aunt has fainting goats, miniature horses, sheep and lots of dogs (including four baby puppies) so there was always lots for Denay to do ::
:: We spent Canada Day at the fairgrounds in my Aunt's town. We had a pony ride (so proud of Denay), a wagon ride, enjoyed the petting zoo and made sure to get Denay a balloon and lots of Canadian flags ::
:: Our last day was finally warm enough to enjoy the weather and we all headed off to a lake for some fun in the water before heading back to my grandparents again for our flight the next morning ::
By the end of the week I was definitely ready to be at home and all together as a family again for the first time in three weeks. Denay was such a trooper.....between all the different houses and the time difference, she made it so easy on everyone!
I feel lucky to have been able to take this trip with my great parents and spend the week with nothing to do except be with family that I get to see very infrequently....treasured memories for sure.
You look so cute in the top pictures! love the belt and the baby belly:) Sounds like a great trip! That little puppy is the puppy i want...a little yorkie:)!
Love the photos...looks like you had a super week! And no silk flowers were touched during the vacation ;)
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