Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Restored Faith In Human-Kind..........

So, I was at Canadian Tire last week picking up some random things for the house. It was right after a full day of work and I all I wanted to do is get home and get changed and flake out, so standing in the ONE line up that is ever open at that place for any long period of time didn't really appeal to me. But none-the-less, in line I waited. The gentleman in front of me was just finished paying and ready to leave when he very unexpectedly turned around and passed me all of the Canadian Tire money he had earned. I was definitely caught off guard and bumbled out a thank you but was so deeply convicted for my attitude. And at the very same time I felt that God used that man to bless me just because he wanted to make me smile.
What a great Father we have............

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