Thursday, July 19, 2007
* Happy Birthday Amanda *
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Momma Jo!
So sorry it took me so ridiculously long to get this blog posting up! It's so amazing that as soon as it's sunny we are driving out the lake everyday and are never home for more than 20 minutes or home before 10:00! Good times though. I so wish I could have been there with the rest of the family to celebrate mom's birthday. We love you so much and praying blessings upon blessings for this year and the many more to come!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Amber's Birthday - An Adventure On Tent Island
The last two thirds of the group waiting for their ride over..........Cody is looking EXTRA excited!
Just a random shot of the BC Ferries Dock we were sitting beside.
The only thing I asked of Devon is that he not fall out of the tree.......Just after we got there a boat load of the boys took off to go cliff jumping. I would have joined them but the last time I was on Tent Island a very good friend of mine was killed after he fell off a cliff onto the rocks below. The guys had fun but I stayed behind with the others and played in the tide pools!
Trevor found a "recliner" in the rocks and was lounging in the sun........not quite leather but it'll do.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Eric and Amanda are in the Jeep, and Devon, Julie and Christopher in the burgundy accord..........
..........and Amber, Cody and Christan in the Dodge. You can't tell from the picture but Cody is waving out the window and Christan is making funny faces.
We ended up on Willows Beach..........fairly quiet spot on the ocean with gorgeous soft sand also a nice grassy field for boccie and ultimate Frisbee.
This is a neat structure made of driftwood that was on the beach.Tim and my brother Ryan looking..........cozy.
Amber, Stephanie and Kerry just relaxing on the beach. It couldn't have been a more perfect day.
Adam's smokin'.............
The gang all waiting for their burgers..........
The lovely Amanda and Julie. I snuck this picture while someone else was taking a picture of them. I think it turned out pretty well!
Trevor - Chef Extraordinaire. We bought that BBQ at Canadian Tire for $20 and it worked like a dream and was the perfect size.
Cody taking a picture of me taking a picture of him taking a picture of me.................
After we had all eaten Stephy, Kerry, Lisa and myself grabbed my football and had some fun throwing it around on the beach. It was so amazing how soft the sand was......I think I actually dropped this pass :)
Steph giving me a beautiful pass.....
Amanda being ya girl!
Kerry, me and Steph hanging on the field reading and watching all the boys play ultimate Frisbee.......
A rousing game of Frisbee......the guys just LOVE this game. Us girls, we prefer to watch.
Lisa had my camera for a while and got some great shots. It's kind of nice having someone else taking pictures so that I actually get to BE in some of them! And if you were wondering, yes it is a good book.........
A neat shot of Jeremy........also taken by Lisa. She found the color setting button.
My dear sweet Kerchung (Kerry).........her book was really good too!
And I think this might be the most ridiculous picture ever taken of me but I love it!
And maybe the second most ridiculous picture.........but don't worry, there is a reason I am wearing this helmet.
Kerry's brother Tim recently bought a Suzuki GSKR and never having been on a street bike I asked if he would take me for a spin. And spin we say we went fast would a horrible understatement but man was it fun!
I rode with Tim back into Victoria where we parked and met the rest of crew to hang around until the fireworks. The harbour was absolutely packed with boats of all kinds decked out in Canadian flag paraphernalia.
Let's see here, from left......Jeremy, Lisa, Christopher, Devon, Colin, Kerry, Amber, Steph, Eric, Lewis, Damon, Julie and Me. Trevor and Christan were busy snapping the pictures.
This picture actually reminds me a little of Waikiki.......ahhh Hawaii.
My Bubby and I............
We didn't really get any great pictures of the fireworks but here is one anyways.........
Trev and I headed home right after the fireworks but we had an amazing day to say the least. I just felt so full of love for my friends and life and all the people that surround me and how much they bless me. We made some really special memories full of laughter and fun and fellowship that I will always treasure!
Happy Birthday Canada and May God Bless Our Beautiful Country!
PS - I think this has to be the record for the longest blog posting ever.