Monday, October 5, 2009

{ Alive and Well }

I have to say that I'm really sorry my last post was a week ago and it was about a TV show. I don't really know what's been keeping me away from you all! There's been lots going on and we're preparing for a very busy week and month ahead.
Our little monkey will be 15 months on Saturday and I just can't believe it. She's learning animal sounds and can "moo" (which comes out like more of a mmmm), "baa" and I just taught her "meow" today. This is what she does when I ask her to smile for the camera..... I somehow managed to get a cancellation appointment with my hairstylist Jen today and asked her to do something really different. I'm still really feeling the itch to dye it (a medium ashy brown) and was hoping that a drastic cut would scratch that but time will tell.
This is the shortest I've ever had my hair and I love it.....pretty sure my husband loves it too ;)
I've got mom's group tomorrow and errands to run before leaving for Vancouver to work the four day craft show with my inlaws. I'd appreciate a quick one minute prayer as I am a little anxious to be away from my family for four straight days.
God is also doing a lot of amazing things in this house and I continue to be amazed at how submitting to His guidelines for my role as a wife and mother completely transforms things! He is so good.
I hope you're still praying on Thursdays at 12:30. I continue to see the enemy attacking marriages around me and we need to stand by our brothers and sisters.
I'm still waiting for pictures on the CBS website to do my Amazing Race recap but it may have to be picture-less.
Be blessed friends and I will be back!


Laura said...

Your hair looks GREAT! Love the cut. Can't help but wonder... how are you going to style it like that without a blow dryer? ;) heehee!! And maybe a flat iron too? ;) Just teasing you!! Like I said on Facebook, you know we all LOVE your colour, but if you still have the itch to colour it, maybe you should just do it!! It's only hair, it grows back :) I can see you with some funky high/low lights... :)

Oh, and have fun with Cranberry Creek!! My piece of advice... bring an extra pair of shoes and change them back and forth throughout the day :)

Joanne said...

You look adorable! But, you always do...can't wait for some good times ahead! Thanks so much for being willing to work for us!!