Yesterday I finally ticked something of my life "to-do" list......I donated blood for the first time.
No, I didn't get a fancy schmancy pin like this but they did make me wear a sticker that said the same thing.
Why, you ask, did it take me so long to do it? CBS policy used to be that if you'd had a tattoo or piercing in the last year you weren't allowed to donate. For the past five years I've either been tattooed, pierced or pregnant and I've been having an urge for a new piercing so I promised myself I would donate before I did.
I would encourage all my loyal readers to call 1-888-2DONATE or visit the CBS website and book an appointment for a clinic near you.
It's rewarding and worth it!
All it takes is a little time, that's it.....and you can save up to three lives with one donation.
:: That's my bid for good deeds for the day......hope you all have plans to get out and soak up the beautiful (almost) summer we're having ::
Way to go Christy! I have never donated but I am actually not allowed...and it's for an insane reason...ready for this...
I have MAD COW!
Actually, I am A mad cow! Seriously - because I lived in England during the crazy Mad Cow thing I cannot give blood, even though this was over 10 years ago. Isn't that insane? One would think that eventually (ahem, 10 years?!!) I could give blood but a co-worker tried last year & was denied.
And that, my friend, is a little useless bit of information about me! Aren't you lucky??!
Good for you, hon! Now is there not someway you could have incorporated a photo of Denay with this post? Oh, wait,...was that my outside voice?
Good for you! Such a helpful, practical way to give. I tried to donate once, waited around all afternoon, to find that I had low iron levels and wasn't allowed. Boo :( But they still call all the time, asking me to come back!
Doesn't it feel so good to scratch something off your life's to do list? I love that! Sky diving was my big one! Living away from home was another (I went to YWAM in Australia and New Zealand) and going to college was too... all before I got married - and it happened!
God is faithful and grants us our hearts desires :)
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