Yeppers, winter is here and it is relentless. Apparently my entire town thought that we were going to skip winter this year and decided not to bother thinking about snow tires until two days before it was supposed to snow so my dear husband has worked an extra 30 hours of overtime in the last eight works days.....this tends to make for a very tired daddy and a very overwhelmed and irritable mommy.
But, I digress.....there certainly won't be much complaining going on when the paycheck arrives.
Anyways, on Saturday morning we woke up to a (warning, cliche coming) winter wonderland. It started on Friday night and by the morning we had a good three inches. And even though it should have been Trev's day off, the "unwritten" rule is that if it snows on your day off, you go to work. So I made plans to hang out at my mom's all day cause the last thing I wanted to do was spend another 12 hour day alone.
:: This was Friday night (after my mom came and picked me up at home cause I was without a vehicle) and we stopped at Starbucks for a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha (y.u.m.m.y.) and got Denay a kids Hot Cocoa....her very first Starbucks ::

:: We were all set to leave on Friday and she decided she didn't want to so I ran home and grabbed the bedtime essentials and came back the next morning with Paisley and armed with all the playtime-in-the-snow essentials out we went!
I didn't take her out in the snow last year. Being so small, all the snow gear was so cumbersome she could hardly move so it was fun taking her out for the first time.
She mostly just wanted to walk around and grab the snow with her mitten and after a half hour just wanted to come inside.
I have to say that it was very cool seeing and experiencing it through her eyes. She is so full of wonder and awe at the things that I glance over without a second thought.
Oh, to be two again.
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