It is with much joy and excitement that I blog this post! On Sunday, my dearest and oldest friend Kerry, got engaged to her long-time friend Colin! The proposal took place on top of local Mount Tzouhalem where Colin and some of his friends built a gazebo out of trees and branches and surrounded them with flowers.
:: The Happy Couple ::

A picture of what the ring looks like........

C&K.......I can't even verbalize how happy I am for you both. It's been an amazing blessing being able to watch you both grow over the past five years in your friendship and as individuals and now to see you so happy together and looking forward to a future as Hubby and
Wifey! I love you both so much.........Congrats!
Woot! Woot! Congrats to Kerry and Colin!! Wishing God's richest blessings as they begin a new chapter in their lives.
Fabulous - Congratulations K & C!
I'm excited for them but also for's so nice to have your closest friends come into the same time of life as you!
I's amazing and wonderful that it's finally official. They're absolutely adorable together.
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