Well friends, late as usual, I'm posting Denay at 14 months......she has become such a sponge for everything and is learning things so quickly!
A few weeks ago she showed interest in wanting "uppease" into the rocking chair in her room so I hoisted her up which followed with an immediate request for a book and her blankie. Well she sat there without making a peep for almost 45 minutes! 

At 14 months, Denay......
- is totally stable walking and getting down/up on small steps by herself
- says mumma, daddee, oma and opa, upeease (up), ya, no, nana (banana), nigh-nigh (night night)
- can sign more, please, milk/drink, all done, eat, and book and I trying to teach her "help" so she stops screeching when something is wrong
just learned to shake hands and she also loves to clap for herself
can "praise Jesus" and she puts her hands up in the air which also works when we say"touchdown"
LOVES to dance and just yesterday I taught her to spin in a circle
pulls her hair when I ask her where her hair is and has almost figured out where her nose is
can blow kisses and if you ask for a kiss she leans in with her mouth open and hugs as well
- when she hears a train whistle or plane she stops and points to the sky
is still in size three diapers and still wears some of her six month clothes but wears mostly 12 months clothes that are a little big and wears size three shoes
still has four teeth (two middle top and two middle bottom)
is up around eight and usually in bed around eight and had been napping twice a day until this week where she seems to not want to nap at all
is a bit of a picky eater (like her mamma)
love love loves to "read". I had her at friends place to today and they have a three shelf tall toy storage cabinet and all she wanted were the books
has ticklish armpits and feet and ribs (if you get the right spot)
- is completely attached to her thumb and blankie and had a total breakdown in nursery on Sunday (and again today at MOPS) because she didn't have it with her
I'm sure there is most but I'm also sure you're getting bored :)
Anyways, the minute I saw how happy she was reading her book in the rocking chair I got right on the Internet and starting looking for something perfect for her new room. Naturally I hit up Target and found this adorable and perfect children's chair......and what a perfect Christmas present it will be! No idea how we're going to afford it but at $119 I just can't pass it up!

Anyways.....I'm going to be late for my prayer meeting! Hope you are all enjoyed our very summer first day of fall.....can't wait for another hot one tomorrow!
Bless you all!
Adorable chair! Can't wait to see it in her new room... you'll post pictures, right? :)
Being an Auntie of ALL boys, I can't believe a young child would sit in a chair for 45 minutes not making a peep! ;)
Denay is adorable as always, love her little hair clip :)
She is adorable. I love the pics of her sitting the rocking chair. The expressions on her face while she's reading. Too cute!
Cutest wee book worm EVER! Love seeing her personality coming out....she is such a girl!!
Hey Christy. I can't believe how big our babes are getting :(
I found another chair for you. It's pink, microfibre (easy to clean) and it's $89.97. You can find it on the http://www.toysrus.ca
I just typed "chairs" in the keyword and then pressed search. It's on like the second page. Anyway, thought I would let you know :)
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