Today was a good day.
Today was a good day.
Denay and I had a morning alone. She slept in because mommy and daddy got her in bed late. We bathed, dressed, did our hair, ate breakfast.
Morning: church. Afternoon: reading, dozing. Evening: dinner, dessert, hockey game.
Highlight of my day?
Denay coming home from the store with daddy after church and after a little coaching (and a big smile) says to me in the sweetest voice in the world, "Happpy Mommy......DAY!".
In truth, that's all I needed. This momma was in tears.
We had a nice lunch outside on the deck. Little Miss was in a goofy mood....

I opened my gift from my mom and was uber excited to hold tickets to Stars on Ice for Tuesday night. We went together two years ago and this time it's going to be a party of five and a half. Yep. My dad and Trev and Denay (and baby of course) are all coming. Uhhh....can't wait! We're talking Kurt Browning, Jamie Sale and David Pelletier, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir and Joannie Rochette.

On Thursday the doorbell rang and I opened it to a FedEx man. I opened the package to a lovely card and an adorable Shabby Strap for my camera from my SIL Shawna. The Esty site is temporarily closed but I did find this picture, I got the cute striped one. Thanks Shawn, it's the perfect one.

I am blessed to be surrounded by wonderful and inspiring mommies who encourage, bless, uplift, challenge and love.
To all those moms: Happy Mother's Day.
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