You can be expecting another belly picture this week which means we're getting closer and closer to meeting the fourth member of our family. I've been slowly crossing items of my list and with only a few small things left and one big thing (carseat), times feels like it's flying by.
Just before we left for Quadra, I finally decided on and ordered a nursing cover. I have been looking for pretty much my entire pregnancy, wanting to know all my options, and ended up with a lovely handmade one from the Lillie and Bean store on Esty.
It was such a great price, a great size and let's face it.....super cute! And the best part? It completely
(accidentally) matches my awesome new nursing pillow!
I had pretty much given up on getting the pillow I wanted, knowing how expensive they were, but I knew my time was ticking and I needed to find something. On a whim, I jumped on on UsedVictoria and within seconds found not one but two pillows that were the brand I wanted......both brown and both hardly used. The best part? I paid less than half of what they would retail for!
You bet I'm one happy pregnant woman!
I also had a meeting today with my friend Rosanne of Pink and Blue Baby Portrait Art and Orange Passion Photography about doing my birth photography! This is something I would have loved to do the first time around but didn't know that I would have been comfortable with a stranger in the room during my first delivery. We've know Rosanne (and her husband, Jan) for just about a year and they are both fabulously talented and Rosanne and I are both so excited! Plus Rosanne is completely sure she knows what I'm having so this way she gets to find out sooner if she's right or not :)
Make sure and check back later in the week for the 36 weeks belly picture.......
Exciting times and very cute pillow and nursing cover!
Well I guess we'll find out soon enough if I'm right ;)
Before my 20 week ultrasound I was convinced Rosalynn was a little boy... so I guess chances are that I'm very wrong again!
Can't wait for Trevor to call :)
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