I've never made claim to be a super-couponer and as of yesterday, had yet to venture out and do it without the guiding wisdom of my SIL. But I had been trying to collect all the diaper coupons I could in order to stock up on what we will need shortly. A bunch more came in the mail and while sorting them I realized that over half of the diaper ones were about to expire.
So last night before a church meeting, we're headed to London Drugs and came home with one package of Pampers Baby Dry (size 1) and.......

It's been so awesome watching God provide for us as we get ready to welcome another person into the house.
He is faithful!
He is faithful!
Way to go SIL!!! God is great!
I just did a LD run today too and save $17 dollars!! it feels good to save:)!
How do you do this? Do you collect multiple coupons from the flyers or the internet? Do tell!
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