At nine months Denay is....
-crawling (but you knew that) and getting stronger at pulling herself to standing and walking along furniture
-finally sporting her first tooth! She's got one on her bottom right side with another ride beside it soon to make an apperance
-eating pretty much anything we eat. Cooked vegetables, apple sauce, cheese, meet, homo milk and rice puff snacks.....Oma and Opa have discovered she also really likes pickles!
-napping twice a day and sleep from about 8:30-7:30ish.
-gabbing lots but has yet to mimic words or sign language
-a pro at putting food in her mouth all by herself
We like to spend our days going for walks and hanging out with all our girlfriends and I can't wait until she's walking so we can get out even more!
Hope your Easter weekend is a blessed one.....
Ohhhh she's so cute. :)
Just want you to know I stopped swoon over photos of the Princess.....just love her!
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