Our little Paisley is a dream! I can honestly say, "For this child, I prayed". She is so content and she SLEEPS, something Denay never did a whole lot of :)

Denay is an amazing big sister. We've had a few rough days of her just not being herself, but a trip to the park and the pool reaffirmed her sense of value and oriented her again and things are great.

We spent the week resting, relaxing and enjoying our baby and big girl.
Don't ask me how in the world I'm going to manage on my own on Tuesday, but it's been done so I'm pretty sure I'll survive :)
I'll be back sometime to share the story of our beautiful girl's arrival!
so happy that things are going so well for you guys and that you have a great little sleeper on your hands!!
Wow, Congratulations Christy! What a little sweetheart! Enjoy everything!!!
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