This is my husband.
We've been married for four and a half years.
He is amazing.
I don't say that lightly.
Why, you ask, is he so amazing?
Let me count the ways.....
~He loves me and cherishes me
~He adores his, really REALLY loves them
~He provides for us and takes much pride in the work he does, even on days when he doesn't want to be there
He is supportive and giving and always thinks about me over himself and constantly encourages me to make time to spend with friends
~He got up with Paisley and I every night feed for the first week and a half after she was born and watched movies on the laptop with me so I wouldn't be alone

~He offers to take the girls out in the evening so I can have a little bit of alone time
~He loves me even when he gets home from work and I'm still in my jammies and have absolutely nothing planned for dinner....and he offers to make pancakes

~If he could choose to be anywhere, it would be at home
~He is a true gentleman not only to myself but to all the women in his life (and I know lots of people that read this blog that can affirm this)
~He is a true partner and companion in our parenting journey and chooses to be very involved in his daughter's lives
~He doesn't mind spending hours on end in the evening walking and bouncing and keeping Paisley awake and happy so she sleeps well at night
~He doesn't mind spending hours on end in the evening walking and bouncing and keeping Paisley awake and happy so she sleeps well at night

~He appreciates all the work I do at home just as much as I appreciate the work he does outside the home, and thanks me every day for the routine chores I do
~He helps around the house.....laundry, cleaning, dishes, bathing the girls, taking out the name it, he does it
~He blesses me each and every day and since I'm the one with the blog, I can say that:
1. NO. I love YOU more.
2. NO. I am the luckiest one.
3. NO. I don't deserve all YOU do for me.
I could go on.....but, I think you can get the idea.
Sweet post, Christy! I'm really glad that our Amazing God has blessed you with each other. Your husband is a great man (he just gave my husband a great deal on tires!) and we are very grateful to have you both as friends!
Love this post! It's so great to brag on your hubs...they need to know it, hear it, and see it....just as much as we need to share it!
I'm thinkin' he had a GREAT mama to turn out to be such a GREAT man! Just a hunch though. :-)
Christy....Trevor truly is one of a kind...we see how much he respects you, helps you...loves you and your girls.......We are soo soo proud of having him as a part of our family...he is truly a man after God's who young men can look up to...aspire to be like..and you are right Lisa his character has been instilled in him a long time again....good job Bob and JOanne....Trevor we love and are so glad Christy choose you!!!!!!
You and I, we found ourselves some good ones. It's true, from the few times I've been around you, it's easy to see that your husband has a good good heart. You deserve to brag :)
Christy, this post has blessed my heart...thank you. I am thankful that God has brought you and Trevor together to establish a strong home for His glory.
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
3 John 1:4
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