Thursday, January 6, 2011

{Thankful Thursday}

Keep it simple, right?
So for my very first Thankful Thursday, that's just what I'm going to do.
Yesterday I spent the morning at our local pool with the princesses and five super-amazing mom's. It was us and seven kidlets and what a time we had a what a blessing they are.
So that's my first thanks.....the people and, more specifically, the women that I am privileged to call friends. I genuinely believe that one could not duplicate the caliber of character of the people I am surrounded with if you held auditions and cast the best of the best. They are real and true and lovely and supportive and beautiful and my family.
I was especially reminded of this over the holidays with Christmas parties and New Years spent laughing and fellowshiping.
My heart swells to bursting as I type.....friends, you rock.
My second thanks came to me as I was driving home from our McDonald's lunch date after swimming. It was raining. And grey. And slushy. Not fun with two babes to haul in and out of a car. Then, fleetingly, I thought of how awesome it is, on days like this, that I can drive into a covered, dry carport and be sheltered from the rain.
Lastly, and this is stretching for me because there are very few things I like about rain, I will (very childishly) admit that I LOVE driving through big, deep puddles.

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