Amongst all the other thoughts and pre-occupations flying around in this mamma's brain right now I'm finding it almost impossible to put my finger on where the last nine months went.
It really does feel like just a month or so ago that I peed on a stick and went from anticipation to uncontrollable joy and laughter with the appearance of a very faint pink line.
And now, almost nine full months later, we are, at the very very most, just weeks away from becoming a family of four and welcoming this wee life into our home.
I went in for my (now) weekly visit to the midwife this morning.......I'm 38 weeks today and the tummy is holding at 34cm, the heart rate was in the low 140's and the baby is very low (but I already knew that).
Unfortunately I tested positive again for GBS which means, if there is time, I'll get antibiotics when my membranes rupture.
We chatted a little about some crazy emotions and breakdowns that I've been through this week, and Selena encouraged me through my fears of having two kids and of how this will affect Denay....."Christy, love is not a pie chart".
I got a huge hug on my way out too.......I love my midwives :)
Last Friday (after a few failed attempts) I got together with my friend Loni of Tuesday Photography for a maternity session. I've know Loni many years and absolutely love her approach to photography. We met up alone at first and took a short hike up Mount Tzouhalem for some portraits and then met up with Trev and Denay at lovely property, that belongs to a couple from our church, for some family shots.
Here are some of my favourites......

:: I LOVE this.....I LOVE her.....when she runs, she runs. ::

:: So perfect ::
Check out Loni's Facebook page here, her blog here (for more photos) and her website here.

Thank you so much Loni (and I know you've heard that a few times in the past week) for the incredible photos and moments you captured of my family!
And that, my loyal blog readers, is pretty much it.
Now, I wait....I bake cookies with my daughter and have play dates at the pool and have cheesy chick flick nights with girlfriends named Kerry (since we can't scrapbook anymore) and rest and nest......and really spend my time enjoying my daughter and being in the moment enough to really enjoy and appreciate the last days I have to be pregnant with this baby.....
Gorgeous pictures! You look great! And Denay's hair - WOW, it's so long! She's adorable.
Enjoy your last few days...get some rest!! :-)
Praying for you, and so excited for you!! you are going to do great, and I am sure all your emotions are totally normal and the love you are about to have is probably like nothing you have ever experienced..a double cup runeth over for you my bloggy friend!!
LOVE the photos!
You are a terrific Mom to Denay, and I know you will grow into being a Mom of two. It doesn't seem possible to divide your love between two, but actually your love will not be divided but multiplied by two.
Wow! Now that's a lot of links to my sites :) You are so kind :)
I am SO SO SO SO SO glad you like the photos so much! I really had a lot of fun, and I can't believe we shot pretty well until sunset!
I am so excited for this new journey you guys are on...
The pictures are amazing! What a beautiful family!
Beautiful pictures! And look at Miss D, so big and ready to be mama's special helper when the babe arrives. I wondered how I would ever love the second babe the same as the happens and you don't even realize it....God is so good!
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