Wednesday, June 4, 2008

:: Baby Update ::

So we met with our midwife this morning and such is the status report........we had a lengthy and informative discussion about homebirth and I feel noting but more encouraged about trying it. We went over the situations where I would have to be transferred to the hospital, the regulations surrounding homebirths and the supplies needed and provided. Berta was very supportive for going this route and put all my concerns at ease so we are settled on a homebirth. We also discussed some other procedures and consents as well as directions to our house of course :) So my weight was 143lbs which is very little to no change from last visit and bambino's heart rate was in the 140's and going strong. The only problem arose with my measurement and at 34 weeks I should be 34 centimeters. The whole pregnancy I have consistently been one centimeter or so small but I didn't grow at all from my appointment three weeks ago when I was almost 31 weeks and around 30 centimeters. So just to be safe and sure I am being sent for another ultrasound on Wednesday to check babies growth. There is no urgent concern but with the goal of a homebirth we want to be as prepared and informed and we can be. The chances are the baby is just small or I just hide it well but again, safe over sorry! So there we are.........getting more tired but still feeling wonderful and getting more excited each day and looking forward to my last day of work on June 19th!


Dustin and Chelsey said...

Oh man. It's getting so close now. Good for you for trying the home birth. I agree it would be SO much more comfortable. Whatever you do, God's watching the whole thing so you're in good hands!

Shawna said...

I'm praying that all turns out just fine with the ultrasound...maybe the baby is just growing more inward than outward ;)

A home birth sounds great and right up your alley. It will be great for you to have the support of the ones you love and to be in the place you love the most when you receive the best gift of all!