Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's "Share Something About Yourself Most People Don't Know" Day

Every morning on my way to work I pass numerous farmers fields, and, we all know what that means this time of year when crops are being planted: fertilizer or, more specifically, manure. It occurred to me as my nostrils were suddenly overwhelmed with the scent wafting from a particular field that this time of year and the smell that goes along with is probably not very pleasant for most people. Then it occurred to me that I really really like the smell of good 'ol spudukee (family slang for manure). For most, it smells like poo but for me it is the smell of my childhood and is a very nostalgic scent. It brings me back to hot summer days riding in the tractor with my dad fertilizing our fields on the farm.
We had a good laugh about this same thing on Monday afternoon during dinner with Trevor's parents. So I confess to all and anyone who may read this blog.......I really enjoy the smell of manure. Some one else's turn........

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Such fond memories -- ha ha ha. I don't mind the smell as I grew up with the smell from the flats...however Paul hates it, he's a city boy!