Monday, July 21, 2008

~Baby's First Boat Ride~

Sunday couldn't have been a more perfect day for a cruise on the ocean and we took advantage of it! Here's Denay all strapped down the the co-pilot's chair, ready to go.Dad, Mom and Denay
This is the ship they used as the "Interceptor" in Pirates of the Carribbean. They were showing in Maple cool.
Good 'ol Captain Jack Sparrow
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this ship was used as well but I can't remember where.
Trevor with Denay in the cabin........
These two tall ships were in a live battle, firing off (what sure sounded like) was really neat!
Dad and Trevor starting up the BBQ for dinner....
Opa cuddling his granddaughter.
Thought this was really is a hard life.
Trevor steering us back and dad checking out a $3.2 million property for sale.
We had such a great afternoon.........thanks mom and dad!


Joanne said...

Oh, a lil sailor-girl already...I wondered how long it would take for Denay to be introduced to the joys of boating....not long apparently! Looks like you had the perfect day!

Nancy said...

hey...what a fabulous afternoon, thank you for coming along for the ride.... always awesome spending time with you you all mom

Nat said...

I'm glad things are looking brighter. It sure looks like you had a lot of fun boating - i'm jealous! Happy belated Anniversary. Have fun in Ontario - we're looking forward to catching up with you three when you get back.

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful day!! Those mini one day getaways are great aren't they?!