Was I ever in LaLa Land when I thought I'd be bored have time to be lazy while on Maternity leave before Bambino comes........my days just seem to drift by under my nose! I have managed to get so much done though and am really enjoying my freedom. And today was no different, as I was able to get a project done that has been weeks in the making. I also have to put in a big thanks to my mom for treating us to ALL the letters so I didn't have to stencil :)
:: Yay Me! ::

It's obviously not done as we will wait to see what this baby will be, then we've purchased (and kept receipts for) the letters to spell "girls" and "boys" as well and blue and pink paint to coat them and some cute blue and pink bows to decorate them...........then once we know, the appropriate word will be mounted as well. As you can kind of see, we are really ready for this baby. We've left lots of room for photos and maybe some decorative shelves as well but honestly baby, you can come anytime!
1 comment:
Thank goodness for excited Grandma's hey?
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