Wednesday, December 17, 2008

:: #11 ::

A few posts ago, I made a list of ten things that I love that started with the letter "T" and I can't believe that between my husband and I, we didn't think of the most obvious one! So I'm adding number eleven.......
#11. Tattoos - I got my first tattoo when I was about 20 or so. It's on my right ankle and says "sunshine" (my childhood nickname) in black Chinese lettering, and the addiction began. I went back the next day and got a tribal sunflower design on my lower back and after three hours of gruelling pain, I was ready to wait awhile before I got another one. I got number three while living in Edmonton and it is a snowflake on the back on my neck. It is colored in purple (signifying royalty, I am the daughter of the king), blue (signifying hope) and white (signifying purity and innocence) and the snowflake comes from a couple bible verses that speak to me being washed "whiter than snow". The next one came on my 21rst birthday. My mom came with me, and got a tattoo last minute herself, and is pink (signifying love) Hebrew writing down the left flank of my back that says "my bride" (as in I am the bride of Christ). The last one I got just a couple years ago on my honeymoon in Hawaii. It is a yellow and orange (our wedding colors meaning joy and happiness) plumeria (Hawaiian flower) that sits behind my left ear. In Hawaiian culture, wearing a flower behind your left ear (over your heart) means your heart is taken.
All in all, I've had about 20 hours of work done between all five tattoos and I definitely see myself getting more in the future. It's some kind of weird adrenaline rush, love-to-hate the pain thing for me and I love being able to share the special meanings behind each one.
Hope it's okay that I stretched the rules of the game a little :) And again, if anyone would like a letter, leave me a comment and I assign you one!
:: Cheers ::


Jason and Kristin said...

I will do one if you want to give me a letter!

Amanda said...

I have seen a picture of your plumeria tatto but not of the others. Can you get Trev to take pics and post them? Just add them to this post if you want..... I'd LOVE to see them! Thanks for sharing the 11th favorite with us!